Wednesday, December 9, 2015

From Agent to Owner: The Real Estate Business "Then" and "Now"

By committing to becoming a realtor, you are committing to running a business. Why is this a new idea for some? Partially because of the immense amount the real estate industry has changed in the last twenty years. Let's compare...

Real Estate Then:

In the 1980's, a realtor was indeed considered an independent contractor, and was working for a real estate office regardless. Each office typically had under 30 agents. The symbiotic agent and office relationship consisted of the office recruiting client leads through word of mouth, advertising, and market shares, and the agents in turn converting the client leads to sales. Commission gained from these sales would be almost equally split between the agent and the office.

Real Estate Now:

Thanks to the internet boom, real estate agents are now capable of generating their own leads. In fact, they aren't left much choice, as many offices today hold over 100 agents. Some have up to 600! As you can imagine, this size change has shifted real estate office priorities as well, and there is much less focus (if any) on providing leads for agents. Relying on an office for client leads severely limit or even halt your income

Due to the immense shifts occurring in the real estate industry, it is vital to shift your mindset along with it.  In order to gain and maintain control of your income, you must take yourself out of the "employee mindset" and switch to a "business owner" mindset. 

What does this mindset include? Learn more on how to take charge of your real estate business by downloading The Lifestyle Agent ebook at!

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