Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Three Questions to Help Uncover Your "Why"

It is well known for real estate agents in charge of their marketing that one of the most important steps to generating quality leads is developing a customer persona of your ideal clients. This “tribe,” as I like to call it, must be in alignment with your personal mission as well as the unique value your business provides. For this reason, the first and most important step to finding your tribe is  to uncover who you are and your purpose for being in the real estate industry. I believe whether consciously or subconsciously we choose a career in order to fulfill something within, and real estate became the choice for fulfillment for a reason.This reason, or your “Why,” is sometimes something seemingly obvious, other times something to dig deep within to uncover. Either way, there are three important questions to ask yourself in order to uncover your “Why.”

  1. Who are you in your core? A good way to get an idea of this is to reflect on what qualities have resided in you since as early as 6 years old. Were you the playground superhero, or the one on one counselor to a close friend? Great at writing papers, or class champion at algebra? Were you always a caretaker, ensuring your peers and family were comfortable, or an entertainer, determined to bring excitement and laughter? The more you recall these unwavering qualities you may have taken for granted, the closer you are to uncovering the traits that make you and your business unique.
  2. Why did you choose Real Estate? Now that you have a better idea of your core qualities, it is time to reflect on what fulfillment you were seeking in choosing real estate as a career. Perhaps if you uncovered that you are a caretaker, it was for the fulfillment of helping families feel comfortable in their new environment. If you’re an entertainer, perhaps you got into real estate for the thrill of showcasing and promoting beautiful properties.
  3. How will you display your “Why” in your work? Or, how will you show your customer what you care about? If your passion is community, emphasize this in your marketing by hosting meet-ups or neighborhood meetings. Analyze each of the qualities you have uncovered, and create a marketing strategy that communicates each of these. This will define your brand and target market.

Once you have uncovered and begin promoting your “Why,” your Tribe will follow. This tribe will include like-minded individuals who seek true value in your services. This will allow for a stronger sense of trust for both parties as well as consistency and enthused referrals.

Want to learn more about how you can create a unique and prosperous real estate business? We offer career building downloads, webinars, learning modules, consultation calls and more! All the tools you need to empower yourself to become a Lifestyle Agent. Learn more at www.seanmoudrycoaching.com.

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