Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The 7 Systems of a Million Dollar Real Estate Business (Part 4)

How to Generate $1.0 Million in Real Estate Profit        


The 7 Systems of a Million Dollar Real Estate Business

In this video we cover the systems, models, and strategies to build a Real Estate Business capable of generating over $1.0 Million in profit.   To be successful at any business one must have detailed process and systems.

We have identified 7 Systems required to operate a highly successful Real Estate Business.  The one being a massive Lead Generation System, such as a lead generation process that is much greater than simply calling 10 people a day.  The process must consistently generate a pipeline of leads for the sales people to have enough opportunities to do what they do best, SELL!

Today, one must also have a consistent and predictable Marketing System for each of the four effective mediums used today; Email, Mail, Social Media, and Internet.  Plus a completely separate yet redundant Referral System.  With powerful referral and marketing systems you must have a place to manage all those leads thus requiring a Lead Management System.  

With all these leads of course will come deals and with deals we will quickly run out of time.  Therefore, we must have Systems to Hire and Systems to Lead the employees and Agents that operate within our business.

Now I understand this all feels overwhelming.  Yet it is all part of following a plan and taking it step by step.  The first and most important System of all, a Plan that has measurable objectives, models to follow and built in solutions, written by others that have accomplished it before.  The most important system of all is your Business Plan.

Not surprising most people enter the Real Estate industry with little or no plan and no business experience.  Therefore, it is no wonder why they struggle to grow or maintain a successful business. How is someone to learn how to run a business with little or no prior experience?   The solution is simple, find someone that has run a business and ask them to teach you proper business strategies to help you run and grow your Real Estate business.  That is what I do when I coach you, I instill solid business practices into your way of thinking and processes into your business.

Is it time you take the next step?  Contact me for a free 30 minute coaching call.


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