Monday, January 19, 2015

Top 5 Considerations Before Hiring a Coach

The more you research business coaching the more you will realize a lot of differences between coaching styles and beliefs.  Some are coaching to a specific topic or agenda while others seem to offer everything from industry specifics to personal therapy!  I personally don't want my business coach giving me advise on my relationships and vise versa!    

When I look for a coach, and I have had several, I think of what exactly is my challenge and do they have the background and experience to guide me through it.  Here are my 5 considerations I make before hiring a coach.

1. Background The first thing to consider when hiring a coach is their Experience and Education.  Ask first where did they get their certification, training or experience in coaching.  Coaching is much more than simply listening and giving direction or advise.   For most of us we deal with internal conflicts that simply prevent our unconscious mind from seeing the solution.  It is our belief that professional training is required to guide a client to create new associations, allowing the client to make new decisions. We believe experience matters.  Look for a coach with over 1000 hours of coaching experience.  This will insure they have applied what they have learned and have got verifiable results with their clients.

2. Industry Specific   Does your coach understand your industry?  Since several industries are similar in process, they don’t have to have specific experience within your industry.  They do on the other hand need to have experience with the issues common in your industry.  In addition, has your coach achieved the same level of success within a similar industry?  It is difficult for a coach to coach you on managing employees if they have never managed employees themselves.

3. Skills  Can your coach help you with your specific challenges?  Most coach’s have a specific skills or strengths they have developed through personal experience.  Ask your coach how their skills can help you with your challenges.  Avoid vague answers like “I will be a sounding board”.  EXAMPLE, If your business is suffering from not having enough leads, look for a coach that has specific skills in lead generation techniques.

4. Track Record Be clear with your coach about how success, in working with your coach, will be measured.  “Success leaves clues”, an experienced coach will have an understanding of how long it will take to coach you to your next level of success.    Since many coaches and coaching companies require contracts ranging from 3 months to one year be sure to ask for testimonials and references from clients that have experienced coaching with them and their organization.

5. Connection  It is difficult to follow the guidance from someone you don’t respect or connect with.  The relationship between the coach and the client is built on trust.  Although it is much more than that, the balance between caring and candor in the relationship allows the coach to be kind when the client needs support and strong honesty when the client is not doing the activities they agreed to complete.

If  you are you interested in professional business coaching visit my Coaching Inquiry Page.  It will ask you a series of questions and you will be scheduled a complementary coaching session to see if coaching is right for you.


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