Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Listing Presentation Must-Have's

Any great sales person has a presentation they know will consistently get them results.  Don’t you wish you could shadow what these top agents are saying at their appointments to get those listing signed? We bring you the next best thing... an insider perspective on what top agents are prepared with for any successful listing presentation.

  • Solid Marketing Strategy: You probably have already noticed a marketing strategy is valuable to almost any facet of your real estate business. Having a solidified marketing strategy prepared for presentation provides immediate comfort to the sellers in knowing their selling process will be well planned and personalized.

  • Experience and Testimonials: Getting to know your personal purpose for selling home makes your presentation stand out. This is a great way to list your accomplishments and benefits only you can provide them.

  • A Play-by-Play: Provide a simple, yet detailed play-by-play of the home selling process, what you will provide for them along the way, and what methods you plan to implement at what times. Be sure they feel educated on the entire experience.

  • Your Guarantee of Service: Emphasize that in an agent/seller relationship, you are on a team and their success is your success. Provide a personal guarantee of service to ensure follow through.

  • Pricing Strategy: According to zillow.com, this is best to present last. Potential clients are much more likely to accept your numbers once they are educated on the amount of time you are willing to spend helping them, and the details that go in to the selling process.

Now that you have the proper outline for a listing presentation, give it a shot and pay close attention to what methods work best for you. Once you have begun to master listing presentations, take it to the next level by recruiting a coach to help you continue success in every facet of your real estate business. Learn more at seanmoudrycoaching.com.

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