Saturday, October 10, 2015

Top 5 Do's and Don'ts of Real Estate Social Media

Social Media Do’s and Don’ts

While Social Media Marketing can seem straightforward, upon diving in you learn there are many factors involved than you may not have planned for: algorithms, time management, even the psychology and behaviors of your audience. Without some education, this can begin to feel overwhelming and even worth giving up on. It is important to instead keep in mind building an effective and profit-driven network takes time, tools, and consistency. Here are our top recommended Do’s and Don’ts to use as a baseline for creating an online brand your clients can count on.


Post consistently (minimum one per day):
Once your audience realizes they find value in your content, they begin to refer to you as a regular source and go from observers to engaged users. For this reason, it is important to keep up the consistency and quality of your information. A minimum of one quality post per day should keep your reach high.

Post interesting personal content, like your trip to NYC:
In the words of Simon Sinek, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” This explains a lot about humanity and our interests. While it may be nice to have new things, there is an extra personal touch to purchasing from like-minded individuals with passions, dreams, and even the occasional mistake. Posting personal photos draws your audience in as a community and puts them at ease with promotions.

Have a Fan Page for your real estate business:
Having a fan page for your real estate business not only helps clearly communicate your professionalism, but it also allows for business focused content as well as search accessibility, or can act as a platform for reviews.

Post your listing on your Fan Page:
When your audience can see your listing consistency they will begin to refer to you regularly.  This will allow them to ask questions directly about the listings and potentially be added to your sales pipeline.

Comment and post on others posts:
Interacting with other posts increases your visibility as well as online community reputation. It is a great way to engage conversations, share knowledge, or even give a needed “pat-on-the-back.” Once again, your audience will feel comfortable interacting with and approaching you.

Post religion or politics:
Yes, the internet has a general “freedom of speech” rule, however using this incorrectly can be devastating for your sales and reputation. By posting heated opinions, you are likely to narrow and/or offend your audience.

Beg for business: show evidence of activity and success
As a general rule, most people tend to be more likely to take action when they feel it was their idea rather than an obligation. Using language such as, “Please buy my new e-book!” can trigger a guilt trip in all of us. Instead, feel free to take the “build it and they will come” approach and show your clients the opportunity in choosing you as their agent.

While it is great to share some personal content, be sure the information is only about you and not to slip any client information they would not want the world to know, such as purchase prices or transaction challenges. Also be sure to have permission of anyone featured in your photos before posting, especially when posting photos with children.

Talk badly about others:
This should go without saying. The goal is not to alienate those in your audience, which slander is guaranteed to do. Stick to cross promotion!

Over Post:
Flooding someone'es feed with low quality information can get you unfollowed or even flagged as spam.

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