Friday, October 16, 2015

The Most Effective Content for Real Estate Newsletters

As a real estate agent, you are probably already well versed in the importance of maintaining contact with clients through consistent contact via newsletters, however, the power of newsletters goes far beyond your regular appearance in their inbox. Here are the top four most effective content types to keep your clients clicking:

Community update: People enjoy feeling involved and educated on local happenings. Providing news updates for your target audience’s location creates a personalized educational experience.

Market updates: Along the same lines of local news, market stats provide the same appeal with an industry targeted angle. Your audience will value access to statistics to share with peers.

Personal Update: People are far more likely to invest trust in those they feel they can relate to. Sharing personal updates allows you to showcase your personality and give your clients ways to relate to you they couldn’t otherwise.

Community Resources: There comes an instinctual feeling of accomplishment when helping others. Provide your clients a way to not only be educated on the community, but get involved.

With consistent, quality newsletter content, you will be surprised at the size and relevance of the tribe you develop. Be sure to maintain an informative yet unique voice and maintain consistency, then watch the leads roll in!

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